What To Expect

It is our desire that people have an opportunity to meet with, and hear from God in a real and relevant way.

With that in mind, our services have an informal and relaxed style. They consist of a time of praise (music, singing & prayer), followed by a relevant message from God's Word, where the bible is simply taught, verse by verse.
Psalm 19:7-8 tells us that God's word, is sure and perfect, and it revives the soul, makes wise the simple, rejoices the heart and enlightens the eyes.
We also value the children, and desire that they know God in a real and personal way. So during the Sunday service we operate a Kids Club where, in a fun filled atmosphere they have the opportunity to learn about God through crafts, songs & bible stories.

After service, there's a great opportunity to meet with others, over a cup of tea or coffee.
So I hope that gives you a flavour of who we are, and why we meet. 
Please feel free to come along on a Sunday morning at 11am. 
You're invited!